Lab# 1: Create Azure Content Safety
To complete this lesson, you would need a Azure Content Safety resource. If you already have one, skip to step# 11 (copy key & endpoint). Otherwise, follow the steps below to create a new Azure Content Safety resource.
- Click the Create a resource button (the plus-sign in the top left corner)
- Search for content safety, select the "Content Safety" result and click Create
- This brings you to the Create Content Safety blade.
- Click on the “Create new” link to create a Resource Group. In the pop-up window, enter a name for the resource group.
- Pick a Region
- Fill in a Name for the content safety.
- Select a Pricing Tier. Then select the F0 free tier.
- Click Review + Create.
- Finally, click on Create to create the content safety resource.
- Click the Go to resource button, to open the content safety overview page.
- Select Keys and Endpoint under Resource Management navigation menu.
- Copy the Key and Endpoint to use later.